What is the sign of $a$ in the quadratic function $y(x)=ax^2+bx+c$ corresponding to the graph below?

This graph does not belong to a quadratic function.
What is the sign of $a$ in the quadratic function $y(x)=ax^2+bx+c$ corresponding to the graph below?

Antwoord 1 correct
Antwoord 2 optie
Antwoord 2 correct
Antwoord 3 optie
This graph does not belong to a quadratic function.
Antwoord 3 correct
Antwoord 1 optie
Antwoord 1 feedback
Correct: This is an upward openend parabola and hence, $a>0$.

Go on.
Antwoord 2 feedback
Wrong: The graph is an upward openend parabola.

See Extra explanation: graph.
Antwoord 3 feedback
Wrong: The graph does correspond to a quadratic function.

See Extra explanation: graph.