Marginal rate of (technical) substitution

Introduction: In economics the property of the slope of a tangent line to a level curve is used in different settings. In consumer behavior this property is known as the marginal rate of substitution and it is denoted by $MRS(x,y)$, while in producer behavior it is known as the marginal rate of technical substitution and is denoted by $MRTS(L,K)$.

Definition: For a utility function $U(x,y)$ of a consumer the quotient $\dfrac{U_x'(x,y)}{U_y'(x,y)}$  at the point $(x,y)$ is called the marginal rate of substitution and is denoted by $MRS(x,y)$:

For a production function $F(L,K)$ of a producer the quotient $\dfrac{F_L'(L,K)}{F_K'(L,K)}$ is called the marginal rate of technical substitution and is denoted by $MRTS(L,K)$:
or, in terms of the marginal physical product of the input factors,